EVENT 本日23時から!賞金20万円【第25回金のお茶爆 決勝戦ルーレット会場】🍵 INFO 【期間中は1枠が1時間に拡大】 ユニットリレー配信応援キャンペーン🎁

f:Desu Ex Machina キャス

  • レベル 1
  • サポーター 0
If YOU wants to be my friend  Just 1 question i ask from you "Why do you wants become my friend ?" sorry i search real friend in here, not just random person.

Lazy ass boy, who always spending his time in the front of computer. Always do anything for a friend. Like anime, manga, computering + programing and FREE STUFF YEAHH!!!! XD bah almost forgot GAME!!! maybe sleep to also i HATE MATH HATEEEEE!!!!!